Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Where are your products shipped from?

Our products are shipped directly from our US warehouses. This way, we keep shipping time convenient for you.


What is your return policy?

You can return an item 30 days after purchase. Please refer to our shipping policy here for further details.


How to contact customer service?


Where are your products made?

Our products are designed by our European and US team and manufactured in our own factory in China. They are stocked and shipped from the USA.


I did not receive a tracking number, what to do?

If you did not receive a tracking number, you can contact our customer service. They will provide timely updates about your order status.


I was charged by mistake, what to do?

If you were charged by mistake, please contact our customer service. They will assist in helping correct the situation.

Can I receive a sample of the products?

Unfortunately, we cannot send a sample of our products. However, we can send you detailed pictures, color pantheon codes, and so on for you to better understand our product.


I want to return an item, how to do it?

If you wish to return an item, please contact our customer service to provide a return label for you.